The Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB) currently comprises eight member banks employing more than 9800 people across the globe.
Through its permanent Secreteriat based in Geneva, the ASPB’s primary mission is to defend and represent the business interests of Swiss private banks. It strives to establish and maintain optimum conditions that support the development of the private and institutional asset management sector in Switzerland.
The Association of Swiss Private Banks uses its expertise and experience to:
Represent the interests of its members in dealing with the authorities in Switzerland and abroad
Issue position statements addressed to the Swiss authorities commenting draft legislation or proposals for new regulations
Participate actively in the main professional Associations at national level
Defend the interests of Switzerland as a financial centre either directly or through the Swiss Bankers Association
Promote the image of the private banks specialising in asset management, both in Switzerland and abroad
Encourage its members to share information and experiences
The Committee
The Committee is the Association’s governing body. It is elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years. Members are chosen from among the unlimited partners and owners of member banks.
The Committee consists of a President, Vice-President and two to five members.
As much as possible, the choice of the members should take into account a representation of the various linguistic regions and of small and large banks.
Grégoire Bordier
Marc Pictet
Christian Bidermann
Lionel Aeschlimann
Denis Pittet
Jürg Staub
The Secretariat
The Secretariat is the permanent body of the Association of Swiss Private Banks. Located in Geneva, it employs three permanent staff. It is headed by a Director, who is named by the Committee.
Director :
Jan Langlo
Deputy Director :
Jan Bumann
Executive assistant :
Anja Touïl
Association of Swiss Private Banks
Route des Acacias 60
CH-1211 Geneva 73
Tel.+41 22 807 08 00
E-mail :
Portrait of the members of the ASPB
Conditions for membership are defined by article 5 of the Association’s statutes: “Any Swiss private bank active mainly in private or institutional asset management, and regulated by the Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks of 8 November 1934, is eligible for membership on the following conditions:
The bank meets the definition of a Swiss private bank, that is:
- It is registered as a banker or bank with the Register of Companies and is incorporated as either an individually owned firm, a general partnership or a limited partnership; in other words, it is a private bank headed by at least one unlimited partner;
- It is recognised as a Swiss bank by the FINMA;
- It has been a member of the Swiss Bankers Association for at least three years.
It is a bank incorporated as a limited liability company under Swiss law and meets the following requirements:
- It has its headquarters in Switzerland;
- Its share capital is privately owned (shares are not publicly traded);
- It has been a member of the Swiss Bankers Association for at least three years.
Please note: Fulfilling the above conditions does not automatically give a bank the right to become a member of the Association.