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17 mai 2018
Swiss Private Banks Call for Open Markets
Annual Report 2017

The Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB) published its 2017 Annual Report today. In the report, the ASPB reviews and analyses developments between April 2017 and March 2018 which affect the various issues it monitors. Positive changes over the past year include the loosening of certain regulations by FINMA, the adoption of a mechanism to safeguard data privacy in the context of the automatic exchange of information, and the active promotion of the Swiss Financial Centre. Nevertheless, a number of challenges remain, from improving market access to implementing pragmatic international standards and a stable and competitive fiscal framework.

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3 May 2018
Private banking professions : useful and inspiring

The Association of Swiss Private Banks initiated a string of videos, that are uploaded over the months and will present the private banking professions through the specialists who practice them : analysts, client advisors, economists or traders. The intention is to provide a behind-the-scene look at these activities, that are too little known, yet essential to the economy. Today: a Fx Options Trader.

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The Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB) currently comprises 10 member banks with assets under management of more than 800 billion Swiss francs and employing approximately 8100 people across the globe, two third of them in Switzerland. Its permanent Secretariat is located in Geneva. The ASPB's primary mission is to establish and maintain conditions that support the development of the private and institutional asset management sector in Switzerland.

The members of the ASPB are Swiss private banks active mainly in private and institutional asset management, and regulated by the Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks of 8 November 1932.

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Association of Swiss Private Banks
12, rue du Général-Dufour
CH-1211 Genève 11
 Tél. +41 22 807 08 00
 Fax +41 22 320 12 89
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