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29 November 2017
Taxation: Switzerland is moving in the right direction
L'essentiel n° 16

A withdrawal of the Matter Initiative seems likely if the Federal Council definitely abandons its criminal tax law reform. As for the withholding tax, a parliamentarian initiative plans to replace it by a tax levied by banks on interest income. The Association of Swiss Private Banks supports these developments, because the withholding tax hinders international competitiveness and can be improved by focusing on its safeguard function.

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24 November 2017
The cliché that depicts Swiss banks as fortresses without any supervision must disappear

In “Le Monde”, Yves Mirabaud, President of the Association of Swiss Private Banks, states that nowadays Swiss banks are compliant with international transparency rules. It is thus hardly comprehensible that France keeps denying them access to its market.

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The members of the Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB) are Swiss private banks active mainly in private and institutional asset management, and regulated by the Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks of 8 November 1932.
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Association of Swiss Private Banks
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