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16 May 2019
Financial centres in competition – EU market access as key factor
Press Point 2019
At their joint annual press conference, ASPB and VAV presented their assessment of Switzerland’s position as a wealth management location compared to its most important competitors: Switzerland scores well with regard to the competitiveness of the environment it offers, yet there is need for action when it comes to its tax policy and data protection regulation. In order to maintain its leading position, Switzerland needs to improve first and foremost its EU market access and the associated need for a stable bilateral relationship with the EU. An institutional framework agreement with the EU is a prerequisite for improving access to the market.
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14 May 2019
Annual Report 2019
The Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB) today publishes its 2018 Annual Report, which reviews and analyses the subjects covered by the ASPB between April 2018 and March 2019. The ASPB focuses on three themes: Switzerland's relations with the EU, the development of sustainable finance and training in the area of new technologies.
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