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8 January 2019
A new book tells the inspiring story of the Association of Swiss Private Banks

Did you know this? The ASPB has a long History dating back to the 16th century. At that time, the first Huguenots, fleeing from religious persecution, arrived at Basel, Geneva and Zurich. Due to their business network, commercial know-how and wealth, they have laid the foundations for the rise of banks in Switzerland, in particular private bankers. This inspiring history is referred to in the latest edition of the “Revue vaudoise de généalogie et d’histoire des familles».

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The Association of Swiss Private Banks (ASPB) currently comprises 9 member banks with assets under management of more than 800 billion Swiss francs and employing approximately 8100 people across the globe, two third of them in Switzerland. Its permanent Secretariat is located in Geneva. The ASPB's primary mission is to establish and maintain conditions that support the development of the private and institutional asset management sector in Switzerland.

The members of the ASPB are Swiss private banks active mainly in private and institutional asset management, and regulated by the Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks of 8 November 1932.

Bordier & Cie E. Gutzwiller & Cie Banquiers Gonet & Cie SA
Landolt & Cie SA Banque Lombard Odier & Cie SA Mirabaud & Cie SA
Groupe Pictet Rahn+Bodmer Co. Reichmuth & Co
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Association of Swiss Private Banks
12, rue du Général-Dufour
CH-1211 Genève 11
 Tél. +41 22 807 08 00
 Fax +41 22 320 12 89
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